The BBA in Information Systems: A Convergence of Cutting-Edge Learning and Real-World Business Technology Leadership

In an increasingly digital world where technology and business are indissolubly linked, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Information Systems emerges as a crucible of innovation, leadership, and practical experience. The program is intricately designed, weaving theoretical learning with practical, hands-on experience, ensuring that students are not just recipients of knowledge but active participants in the dynamic field of business technology.

A Symphony of Collaborative Learning

One of the program’s most distinguishing features is its commitment to collaborative learning. Students are not confined to the traditional classroom settings; instead, they are thrust into the epicenter of real-world projects that reflect the diverse, dynamic, and complex nature of the global business landscape. Partnership with renowned corporations such as Whirlpool, Taiwanese Glass Group, Advanced Dental, Tanager International, and Saving Orphans through Healthcare and Outreach (SOHO), empowers students with unprecedented access to practical insights and hands-on experience.

A Glimpse into Real-World Projects

At Whirlpool, students embarked on a journey to design a system that would meticulously scan for Whirlpool and Maytag products on various retailers’ websites and assess the store pricing versus the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). This project provided them an intricate understanding of e-commerce dynamics, pricing strategies, and competitive analysis.

In collaboration with the Taiwanese Glass Group, students were tasked with investigating the strategic process of capturing the U.S. market. The project focused on the establishment of a secondary plant in Mexico, providing students a deep dive into international business, market entry strategies, and operational logistics.

At Advanced Dental, the focus shifted to human resources, where students performed a comprehensive analysis on employee retention. This project enriched students with insights into organizational behavior, employee engagement, and retention strategies, critical components in the ever-evolving business ecosystem.

A Leap into Economic Development

A partnership with Tanager International saw students designing a low-literacy financial app for an economic development project in Burkina Faso. This project not only honed their technical skills but also instilled a profound understanding of the socio-economic landscapes and the pivotal role of technology in empowering communities.

Sustainable Business Solutions

Currently, the future leaders enrolled in the IS program are collaborating with SOHO to develop sustainable sources of income, employing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and system design to transform ideas into actionable business solutions. Every project is a leap towards innovation, every challenge an opportunity for growth, and every success a testament to the holistic education experience the program offers.


The BBA in Information Systems isn’t just an academic program; it’s an ecosystem of experiential learning, fostering a generation of leaders adept in technology, versed in business, and committed to innovation. The indomitable spirit of enterprise, coupled with a curriculum steeped in practical experience, ensures that every graduate is not just a student but a pioneer, ready to lead the next wave of business technology revolution. In this convergence of academia, industry, and technology, the future of business is not just being studied; it’s being shaped.