New Year’s Resolution for Business Faculty: Embracing Soft Skills in Business Education

As a business educator, my New Year’s resolution is to enrich my teaching approach by integrating essential soft skills into the business curriculum, inspired by the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report. This resolution reflects a commitment to preparing my students not just academically, but also for the dynamic demands of the modern business world.

My Resolution Plan for Integrating Soft Skills

  1. Focus on Emotional Intelligence:
    • I resolve to use case studies that emphasize emotional intelligence in business settings and conduct role-playing exercises to enhance students’ understanding of emotional dynamics in professional environments.
  2. Enhance Critical Thinking Skills:
    • I plan to introduce more business simulations and adopt the Socratic method in my classes to foster critical thinking and analytical skills among my students.
  3. Cultivate Creativity:
    • My goal is to assign projects that require innovative thinking and conduct workshops focusing on creative problem-solving and idea generation.
  4. Develop People Management Skills:
    • I intend to provide leadership opportunities in group projects and invite business leaders to share insights on effective people management and leadership.
  5. Promote Adaptability:
    • I will diversify my teaching methods and organize sessions on change management, preparing students to adapt to various business scenarios.
  6. Improve Communication Skills:
    • Regular presentations and public speaking exercises will be incorporated into my curriculum to enhance students’ verbal communication skills. Additionally, I plan to focus on refining their business writing abilities.
  7. Teach Negotiation Techniques:
    • I aim to integrate negotiation role-plays and comprehensive studies on negotiation theory and practice into my teaching.
  8. Foster a Service Orientation:
    • I will encourage students to engage in community-based projects and include customer service training as part of the course content.

Commitment to Educational Excellence

This resolution is more than just a yearly goal; it is a commitment to educational excellence and a response to the evolving needs of the business world. By focusing on these key soft skills, I aspire to prepare my students not only for their immediate academic pursuits but for a successful and adaptable career in business. Through this approach, I hope to contribute significantly to the development of well-rounded, skilled professionals ready to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future business landscape.