When Business Meets Pasta: The Spaghetti Challenge in INFS 130 MIS!

Ever wondered how a plate of spaghetti can teach you about business? Ask the students of CLASS INFS 130 Management of Information Systems in the School of Business Administration, and they’ll tell you it’s all about marshmallows, teamwork, and… T-shirts?

As part of an innovative and delightful activity called BrainBuzz (created by SBA’s very own Armand Poblete), the class was tasked with understanding the intricacies of information systems within a business enterprise. But not through lectures or slides. Oh no! These young business enthusiasts were diving right into the practical world. Their ultimate aim? Creating a start-up focused on selling the funniest business meme T-shirts!

But let’s not jump to the T-shirt endgame right away. First, they had to break the ice.

The Spaghetti-Marshmallow Tower Challenge

With students divided into five groups, each consisting of 5-6 potential business magnates, they were faced with a seemingly simple yet intricate challenge: build the tallest free-standing tower using 20 spaghetti sticks and 10 marshmallows. All this within 50 minutes, perfectly illustrating the project management life cycle and understanding team dynamics.

Phase 1: Introduction
A great team starts with introductions. Each student took a moment to get to know their fellow team members, creating bonds that would help them conquer the upcoming challenge.

Phase 2: Problem Presentation
With the rules laid down and the problem presented, the challenge was on! The objective was clear – create the tallest, most robust free-standing spaghetti tower.

Phase 3: Research & Planning
The saying, “Don’t reinvent the wheel” might apply even to spaghetti architecture! A swift research session allowed teams to draw inspiration from successful spaghetti constructions of the past.

Phase 4: Implementation
Cue the frenzy. Armed with their knowledge, teams had just 20 minutes to turn their pasta plans into a towering reality.

Phase 5: Debrief
Measurements were taken, towers evaluated, and achievements celebrated. The session concluded with a heartening discussion on the importance of teamwork, planning, and adaptability in projects of any scale.

Congrats to Team 3 won with their free-standing Spaghetti Tower of 26.5 inches! From left to right: Darren, Parker, Dani, Sydney, Stenia, and Gio

So, did the spaghetti-marshmallow challenge prepare them for their T-shirt venture? Absolutely! The activity emphasized the value of collaboration, strategic planning, and adaptability – all of which are crucial when diving into the start-up world. As the students delve deeper into their T-shirt business, they’ll undoubtedly recall their pasta exploits and the invaluable lessons learned.

So, the next time you see a plate of spaghetti, think beyond meatballs. Imagine the towers you could build, the businesses you could run, and the infinite possibilities that simple ingredients present. And keep an eye out for those business meme T-shirts – they’re bound to be a hit!